After thinking about how complacent I have gotten over the past year, I got to thinking how a little "competitive game" would liven things up.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

2 weeks before christmas.. what have i done??

Okay... been away from this for a while and am now facing the end of the year. Two weeks left till christmas and the blog kicked by ass. So, what have I actually done this year???

I have only really accomplished what is in green text... not quite what I wanted but cest la vie.

Pick up a new hobby --> um.... I guess I learned how to use a crotchet board... does this count?

Touch a great lake (nope)

Donate to charity (fireman boot fund... I think it was a toonie but Im poor... so I say thats enough)

Give blood (unlimited times) - have not done this.... I will try before christmas... really

Take a class or course --> I took tonnes and tonnes of classes and courses, maybe I can get multiple points out of this.

count the # of ties on a large train trestle --> yes, but im not revealing my secret #

whale watching --> I saw grey whales and 2 pods of killer whales this year, and yes... I watched them --> FREE

Ferry ticket --> only went over a couple times this year.... but I have the tickets

Go to the movie theater and watcha BLOCKBUSTER movie


Harry Potter

Alice in Wonderland? Sucked so is it still considered a blockbuster?

Picture on a boat --> needs done ASAP

Rubbing from the plaque at the top of MT. Finlyson (Van Island, Goldstream Park)

picture at the top of a mountainNEVER climbed by you before --> Up in Strathcona.. what was it called again? Castle Craig and....

Go OUT for....... (differnet places for each point):
Brunch..... 1pt
Breakfast...... 1pt
Lunch...... 1pt
Dinner...... 1pt

A pressed spring flower

Find a penny from 1975

Reconnect with someone ... Name:______________ Date:________________ Meathod:___________________

PRODUCE ART... up to two different types 2 pts each --> depends on you perspective

Participate in a legitimate race : two races this year... 1/2 marathon in Uke and Full marathon VIC

Picture or autograph or a policemant, Firefighter or Navy/army personell

Fly a kite

A victoria carraige ride


Mushrom hunting... must find and eat mushroom to count

a whole "curly shell"

Body surfing

Compose a song.... be prepared to share

Celebrity Sighting

Picture of a HUGE dog and small dog -- on cell phone

Make a craft and give it to someone -- someone will get it at xmas

Play video game and beat it (hahahahahahahaha)

Send a message in a bottle. (message said_________________________)

Professional or Zellars/walmart photos (family photos for families, couple photos for couples)

have your portrait painted or drawn

Catch a fish... proof or eyewitness needed... record size _______ type________ when ___________ and how__________

Go down a river

Wine tasting tour

Find an interesting feather
Visit another continent
Visit another country
Visit another province
plane Ticket with your name on it

Multi day hike
A fair ride with some degree of speed

star gaze with a telescope
Visit a haunted house, castle or a ghost tour
Go on a blind date --> interesting

Ask for a raise --> I asked.... boss said "wait until PRD"

Shower under a waterfall... picture is a must
Dance Lessons

Eat something gross or very unusual.... what:_______________

go on a romantic date

write a letter to a celebrity
write a letter to a government official
give flowers for no reason - gave some to grandma

Picture at a world famous monument

VOLUNTEER (unlimited points)
Parks and recreation
Big Brother and Sister
habitat for humanity

Go green... name three things that you did
Brew your own beer or wine

Join TWITTER and follow someone
Dig a hole

READ.......... a pulitzer prize novel an oprah pick a romance novel a new childrens book

Go to a museum... find a fact you didnt know for an extra point

Bungee jumping


Go to church -- planning on it

Go golfing

lift tickets for Mt. Washington or Whistler

go skating

go curling

watch a live hockey game

do boot camp (regularly for more that two times)

grow more thatn 1 cm

create a website

gamble away 10 dollars (poker or casino)

Fix an old car

Build something with your hands (furniture wise)

Go to an Olympic event

Try Tai Chi
Do a yoga class
watch a shakespeare play
Watch a ballet
watch a musical

Walk the annual Times Colonist 10 K with Grandma

Pick a winning World Cup Soccer Team

Go to or host a Super Bowl party

Milk a cow or goat

Create a YOU TUBE video

Find an Interesting website : worth

watch the top 10 movies of all time (according to American Film institute) 1. citizen Kane 2. Casablanca 3. The Godfather 4. Gone with the wind 5. Lawrene of Arabia 6. Wizard of Oz 7. The Graduate 8. On the Waterfront 9. Schindlers List 10. Singin in the rain

step inside a Catholic Church

pick local produce from a farm

visit a castle

grow a herb garden (must survive)

plant a herb garden

write a letter and mail it to a friend or family memeber

create a blog

So... there it is... my last year in a nutshell.... Lots of school, work and interesting life circumstances but all in all a good attempt.